Sunday, January 26, 2020
Optimizing Cloud Resources Implementation of IPTV Service
Optimizing Cloud Resources Implementation of IPTV Service Optimizing Cloud Resources Implementation of IPTV service delivery through Virtualization MOHAMMAD ISMAIL Abstract- The Internet Protocol Television is a system over which Internet television services are delivered using the networking and architecture methods of the Internet Protocol Suite through a packet-switched network infrastructure, e.g., the Internet and broadband Internet access networks, rather of being delivered over traditional radio frequency broadcast, satellite signal, and cable television (CATV) formats. Implementation of IPTV Virtualization is of practical concern in numerous applications such as detecting an IPTV service delivery failure. The intrusion detection is determined as a mechanism for an IPTV service delivery over virtualization to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous moving attackers In this paper, we ruminate this issue according to inhomogeneous IPTV service delivery models. Furthermore, we ruminate two sensing detection models single-sensing detection and multiple-sensing detection we want to lower a providers cost of real-time IP TV services over a virtualized IPTV architecture and over intelligent timeshifting of service delivery, We define a extrapolated framework for computing the amount of resources needed to support multiple services, without missing the deadline for any service. We construct the problem as an optimization formulation that uses a generic cost function. Our simulation results show the benfits of multiple sensor inhomogeneous WSN IPTV service delivery through virtualization. We also show that there are attarctive open problems in designing mechanisms that allow time-shifting of load in such environments. I. Introduction Now a days the demand for Internet-based applications grows around the world, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has been very popular. The recent advances in communication and computer technology, television has gone over many advances over the years. Now a days IP based video delivery became more popular (IPTV). demands placed upon the service provider’s resources have dramatically increased. Service providers typically provision for the high demands of each service across the subscriber population. However, provisioning for high demands leaves resources under employ at all other periods. This is particularly evident with Instant Channel Change (ICC) requests in IPTV. Our goal is to take favor of the difference in workloads of the different IPTV services to better utilize the deployed servers. In IPTV, Live TV is typically multicast from servers using IP Multicast, with one group per TV channel. Video-on- Demand (VoD) is also supported by the service provider, with each req uest being served by a server using a unicast stream. For each channel change, the user has to join the multicast group associated with the channel, and wait for enough data to be buffered before the video is displayed; this can take some time. As a result, there have been many attempts to support instant channel change by mitigating the user perceived channel switching latency [1], [7]. In our virtualized environment, ICC is typically managed by a set of VMs while other VMs would be created to handle VoD requests. With the ability to spawn VMs quickly [1], we believe that we can shift servers (VMs) from VoD to handle the ICC demand in a matter of a few seconds. This requires being able to predict the ICC bursts which we believe can be predicted from historic information. Our goal is to find the number of servers that are needed at each time instant by minimizing a cost function while at the same time satisfying all the deadlines associated with these services. To achieve this, we i dentify the sever-capacity region formed by servers at each time instant such that all the arriving requests meet their deadlines. We show that for any server tuple with integer entries inside the servercapacity region, an earliest deadline first (EDF) strategy can be used to serve all requests without missing their deadlines. This is an extension of previous result where the number of servers is fixed [2]. Thus, well known concave programming techniques without integer constraints can be used to solve the problem [3]. Finally, for a maximum cost function, we seek to minimize the maximum number of servers used over the entire period. II. RELATED WORK There are mainly three threads of related work, namely cloud computing, scheduling with deadline constraints, and optimization. Cloud computing has recently changed the landscape of Internet based computing, whereby a shared pool of configurable computing resources (networks, servers, storage) can be rapidly provisioned and released to support multiple services within the same infrastructure [7]. In preliminary work on this topic [4], we analyzed the maximum number of servers that are needed to service jobs with a strict deadline contraint. We also assume non-causal information (i.e., all deadlines are known a priori) of the jobs arriving at each instant. In this [5], considers the advancing scenario, this approach only requires a server complex that is sized to meet the requirements of the ICC load, which has no deadline flexibility, and we can almost completely mask the need for any additional servers for dealing with the VoD load. With the typical ICC implemented on current IPTV s ystems, the content is delivered at an accelerated rate using a unicast stream from the server [6], [7]. There have been multiple efforts in the past to analytically estimate the resource requirements for serving arriving requests which have a delay constraint. These have been studied especially in the context of voice, including delivering VoIP packets, and have generally assumed the arrival process is Poisson [8]. For a concave minimization with linear constraints, the solution is one of the corner points of the polytope formed by the linear constraints. III. Improved Cloud Data Utilization for IPTV Transmission Internet Protocol-based video delivery is increasing in popularity with the result that its resource requirements are continuously growing. It is estimated that by the year 2017 video traffic will account 69% of the total consumer’s Internet traffic. Content and service providers typically configure their resources such that they can handle peak demands of each service they provide across the subscriber population. The solution presented takes advantage of the temporal differences in the demands from these IPTV workloads to better utilize the servers that were deployed to support these services. While VoD is delivered via unicast, Live TV is delivered over multicast to reduce bandwidth demands. However, to support Instant Channel Change (ICC) in Live TV, service providers send a unicast stream for that channel for a short period of time to keep a good quality of experience. If a number of users change their channels around the same period of time, this produces a large burst l oad on the server that has to support the corresponding number of users. Compared to the ICC workload which is very bursty and has a large peak to average ratio, VoD has a relatively steady load and imposes a relatively lax delay requirement. By multiplexing across these services, the resource requirements for supporting the combined set of services can be reduced. Two services that have workloads which differ significantly over time can be combined on the same virtualized platform. This allows for scaling of the number of resources according to each service’s current workloads. It is, however, possible that the peak workload of different services may overlap. Under such scenarios, the benefit of a virtualized infrastructure diminishes, unless there is an opportunity to time shift one of the services in anticipation of the other service’s requirements to avoid having to deliver both services at the same time instant. In general, the cloud service provider strives to optimize the cost for all time instants, not necessarily just reducing the peak server load. Cost Function We investigate linear, convex, and concave functions With convex functions, the cost increases slowly initially and subsequently grows faster. For concave functions, the cost increases quickly initially and then flattens out, indicating a point of diminishing unit costs (e.g., slab or tiered pricing). Minimizing a convex cost function results in averaging the number of servers (i.e., the tendency is to service requests equally throughout their deadlines so as to smooth out the requirements of the number of servers needed to serve all the reques ts). Minimizing a concave cost function results in finding the extremal points away from the maximum to reduce cost. This may result in the system holding back the requests until just prior to their deadline and serving them in a burst, to get the benefit of a lower unit cost because of the concave cost function (e.g., slab pricing). The concave optimization problem is thus optimally solved by finding boundary points in the server-capacity region of the solution space. Fig1. IPTV Architecture. the potential of utilizing virtualization to support multiple services like Video On Demand (VoD) and Live broadcast TV (LiveTV). We explore how we can carefully configure the cloud infrastructure in real time to sustain the large scale bandwidth and computation intensive IPTV applications (e.g. LiveTV instant channel changes (ICC) and VoD requests). In IPTV, there is both a steady state and transient traffic demand [2]. Transient bandwidth demand for LiveTV comes from clients switching channels. This transient and highly bursty traffic demand can be significant in terms of both bandwidth and server I/O capacity. The challenge is that we currently have huge server farms for serving individual applications that have to be scaled as the number of users increases. In this paper, we focus on dedicated servers for LiveTV ICC and VoD. Our intent is to study how to efficiently minimize the number of servers required by using virtualization within a cloud infrastructure to replace dedicat ed application servers. Since there is storage at set top boxes (STBs), by properly speeding up the delivery prior to the burst ICC load, the delay constraints for the VoD can be relaxed for a period of time. The opportunity is to explore how these services may coexist on the same server complex. We cause one service (VoD) to reduce its resource requirements temporarily to help support a sudden influx of requests from another (LiveTV ICC) service. IV.Impact of Cost Function on Server Requirements We investigate linear, convex, and concave functions. With convex functions, the cost increases slowly initially and subsequently grows faster. For concave functions, the cost increases quickly initially and then flattens out, indicating a point of diminishing unit costs (e.g., slab or tiered pricing). Minimizing a convex cost function results in averaging the number of servers (i.e., the tendency is to service requests equally throughout their deadlines so as to smooth out the requirements of the number of servers needed to serve all the requests). Minimizing a concave cost function results in finding the extremal points away from the maximum (as shown in the example below) to reduce cost. This may result in the system holding back the requests until just prior to their deadline and serving them in a burst, to get the benefit of a lower unit cost because of the concave cost function (e.g., slab pricing). The concave optimization problem is thus optimally solved by finding boundary p oints in the server-capacity region of the solution space. The linear cost represents the total number of servers used. The minimum number of total servers needed is the total number of incoming requests. The optimal strategy is not unique. Any strategy that serves all the requests while meeting the deadline and using a total number of servers equal to the number of service requests is optimal. One strategy for meeting this cost is to set to serve all requests as they arrive. The optimal cost associated with this cost function does not depend on the deadline assigned to each service class. V. Evolution We provided an analytic framework that computes the optimal amount of resource (i.e., number of servers at different times) for accommodating multiple services with different deadlines. The initial theoretical framework depends on non-causal information regarding the arrival times and deadlines for each chunk of a requested content. We demonstrate two optimization approaches namely, postponing and advancing VoD delivery. Alternatively, VoD requests can also be advanced after the initial movie request without incurring any startup delays (i.e., subsequent chunks of the movie can be advanced before their playout deadlines). We set up a series of experiments to see the effect of varying firstly, the ICC durations and secondly, the VoD delay tolerance on the total number of concurrent streams needed to accommodate the combined workload. In figures diurnal VoD time series (in blue) and a ICC time series (in red). For a given VoD Delay n≠¥0, we use two services, one with delay 0 and o ne with delay . For each incoming VoD movie request of length L, a request is made of second service in each of the L consecutive time-slots. Further, each ICC burst creates a request for the first service. Thus, given the requests of the two services, gives the number of concurrent streams that are necessary and sufficient to serve all the incoming requests Fig2: Maximum Cost: Maximum number of Concurrent Sessions. A movie request is made up of different chunk deadlines. For each chunk, we associate a service class i. Specifically the i th chunk of any movie is designated a service class with a corresponding deadline of i-1. For a requested movie, we enlist a request made of L service classes (service classes 1 to L ), where L is the movie length. A LiveTV ICC request corresponds to a service class 1 request for 15 consecutive seconds as in the postponement case. For an operational trace as shown in Fig. 2, with advancing, a maximum of 24955 concurrent streams can accommodate both LiveTV and VoD requests. With only LiveTV, the total number of concurrent streams needed is 24942. VoD requests can be essentially serviced with just an additional 13 concurrent streams. VI. Conclusion We presented the construction of an efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage. Based on homomorphism verifiable response and hash index hierarchy, we have proposed a cooperative PDP scheme to support dynamic scalability on multiple storage servers. IPTV service providers can leverage a virtualized cloud infrastructure by intelligently timeshifting load to better utilize deployed resources while still meeting the strict time deadlines for each individual service. We used LiveTV ICC and VoD as examples of IPTV services that can run on a shared virtualized infrastructure. Our paper first provided a generalized framework for computing the resources required to support multiple services with deadlines. We formulated the problem as an optimization problem and computed the number of servers required based on a generic cost function. We considered multiple forms for the cost function of the server complex (e.g., min-max, convex and concave) and solved for the optimal number of serve rs required to support these services without missing any deadlines. We provide an analysis that computes the minimum number of servers needed to accommodate a combination of IPTV services, namely VoD session and Live TV instant channel change bursts. By anticipating the LiveTV ICC bursts that occur every half hour we can speed up delivery of VoD content by prefilling the set top box buffer. This helps us to dynamically reposition the VoD servers for accommodating the LiveTV bursts that typically last for 15 to 30 seconds at most. Our results show that anticipating and thereby delaying VoD requests gives significant resource savings. References [1] H. A. Lagar-Cavilla, J. A.Whitney, A. Scannell, R. B. P. Patchin, S.M. Rumble, E. de Lara, M. Brudno, andM. Satyanarayanan, â€Å"SnowFlock: Virtual machine cloning as a first class cloud primitive,†ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. (TOCS), 2011. [2] J. A. Stankovic,M. Spuri, K. Ramamritham, and G. C. Buttazzo, Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems: Edf and Related Algorithm. Norwell, MA, USA: Kluwer, 1998. [3] N. V. Thoai andH. Tuy, â€Å"Convergent algorithms for minimizing a concave function,†Math. Oper. Res., vol. 5, 1980. [4] V. Aggarwal, X. Chen, V. Gopalakrishnan, R. Jana, K. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020
Not Waving but Drowning Essay
Not waving but drowning – the poem written by stevie smith is itself a conceit. The whole poem is an extended metaphor for someone going through depression and his cries have constantly been ignored. The phrase â€Å"I was much further out than you thought†gives out a message that the man was too far out all his life. He had nothing to look forward to, this could also mean that he hence drowned on his own will. Though â€Å"Still lay moaning†shows that he had been trying to show his emotions since a long time but he was hiding behind false emotions. Poor chap, he always loved larking. And now he’s dead†is a sarcastic caption , this shows that the town people show no little concern about his death. Maybe also because he was always cold , to just hide his sorrows. The poem could also be interpreted as ,that the man all this while has been drowning and not waving as from far flawing your hands look like you are waving, the people must have hence misperceived his predicament and hence left him there alone, to drown. Not waving but drowning stresses pain and suffering, specifically the pain and suffering of a dieing old man. â€Å"Oh no no no , it was too cold always†shows that if he died from being in depression, he was always in depression, and no one realized as he hid it all this while, by larking and trying to be happy. The poet concludes the poem with â€Å"And not waving but drowning†which shows that the man is in complete denial and dies in despair.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Top Secret Truth About Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas Revealed
The Top Secret Truth About Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas Revealed The arguments given as a way to prove your point has to be strong and convincing. Choosing excellent essay topics for middle school must be a careful procedure, where a balance must be struck between topics that might be too simplistic, more acceptable for the main school, and choosing argumentative essay topics that could be too complicated or controversial. You should participate in far-reaching studying to cover all facets of this issue and all point of views by different individuals. If you've got the chance to choose, begin by picking a topic that is suitable for within the format you've been given. Analyzing a present event appears to be a favorite topic chosen for argumentative essays. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's vital to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. You must choose an overall topic and after that after you have you can start with doing some research on it. You will probably locate a different and wonderful topic you will love to write about. Things You Should Know About Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas Some of the greatest research paper introduction samples consist of primary resources supporting the argument or research of the issue. Hence, it's essential to take advantage of convincing ideas or information. Every one of the ideas above will provide you with a chance to reveal your creative side and capacity to talk about your opinion. You will figure out how to scrape through each term, due to their untiring efforts. Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas - the Conspir acy Start Now The very first thing you ought to know about how to compose an essay has never postponed the start. Writing prompts are among the best strategies to create confident writers who take pleasure in the procedure. 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Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically considering the world around us. If your essay shouldn't be formal as hell, it's time for humor and irony. It should be persuasive. Writing argumentative essay is an intricate endeavor, as it requires the presence of many skills at the exact same moment. Life, Death and Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas Taking assistance from tutors and friends is a great way to come up with your abilities. Showing awareness about recent changes in the subject you're writing on is very crucial to win a superior grade. Your topic is so important because you've got to make sure it is related to the class which you're taking unless it is for English class. Research-based topics require students to assemble information till they write. The Community Service Essay Topics or Ideas Cover Up You're able to buy argumentative essay at their site. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Overcoming Impulsiveness - 968 Words
It is commonly accepted that, by human nature, people are flawed beings. However, many people refuse to accept their own shortcomings. Those who do not recognize those shortcomings may be chronically plagued by them, while those who do accept their human failings can often overcome them, avoiding tragic consequences. In Greek mythology, the characters Hercules and Odysseus both exist as impulsive individuals who do not acknowledge their own weaknesses. This common tragic flaw of impulsiveness between them causes each to damage those around them due to their inability to conquer their flaws. Only through the assistance of a mentor are they each able to trounce their common imperfection successfully. When Odysseus and Hercules act†¦show more content†¦For example, when Hercules is given the task of cleaning out the Augean Stables in a single day, he â€Å"divert[s] the flow of two rivers and [makes] them wash out the filth†(233). Here it is suggested that Hercules is b eginning to overcome his impulsiveness, as he does not take the obvious and immediate approach, but he slows down and approaches the situation more tactically, using his resources to his advantage; a contrast to his typical simplistic and reactive methods. After he completes the task, Eurystheus refuses to allow the task to count as one of his 12 assigned tasks because Hercules asks for payment. Although indignant, Hercules â€Å"holds himself back from striking him†(Colum 5). By not striking Eurystheus, Hercules is once again repressing his impulsiveness and is sparing the life of Eurystheus. The successful control of Hercules’ impulsive rage supplies him with the benefit of a positive outcome relative to the carnage that usually ensues. Odysseus and Hercules both face external conflicts with the world around them as well as internal conflicts with their own tragic flaws. Through the help of the mentors Athena and Theseus, they are taught to overcome these flaws. Thi s translates to the society of the Greeks as well as today’s society. It emphasizes the need for the ability to recognize one’s own flaws. It also highlights the importance of humility and the ability to accept the assistance of those whoShow MoreRelatedYouthfulness and Impulsiveness in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet625 Words  | 3 PagesShakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is still the foundations of classic literature today. Although this text is almost four centuries old, what keeps us interested is Romeo and Juliet’s tragic story of youthfulness and impulsiveness. It follows the protagonists’ progression into mature adults; overcoming the obstacles of authority along the way. 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