Thursday, September 3, 2020
Beowulf and 13th warrior Essay Example For Students
Beowulf and thirteenth warrior Essay The thirteenth Warrior: Leadership of the ErasIn the film The thirteenth Warrior, a 1999 film solid initiative is clear. In the two stories the most grounded individual will successfully support the individuals. The thirteenth Warrior and the epic sonnet Beowulf have numerous likenesses and contrasts. The authority of Buliwyf looks at to Beowulfs initiative in the epic sonnet. When in the passage in the wake of assaulting the Wendols Buliwyf was harmed yet he despite everything went with the remainder of the men. Grendels mother hurt Beowulf yet he despite everything got the solidarity to remove her head and execute her. Buliwyf was wiped out and pale from being harmed battling the Wendols and shouldnt have came out to enable the town to battle when the Wendols assaulted again and he came out and battled them. He wound up biting the dust viewing the Wendols flee and afterward disappear. Beowulf was attempting to slaughter the mythical serpent to spare the town and found support from Wiglaf and Beowulf wound up being murdered by the monster. There are likewise contrasts in The thirteenth Warrior and in Beowulf. The way that Grendel looked is a great deal unique then what the Wendols resembled. Grendel was a monster, and the Wendols were men that were spruced up like bears. There were thirteen men got The thirteenth Warrior and in Beowulf there were fourteen men brought. Grendels layer was in the terrible swamp. The Wendols layer was in the highest point of the mountain, over the water. The setting occurred in various occasions and places. Beowulf occurred in 700-750 AD. The thirteenth Warrior occurred in 922 AD. The film The thirteenth Warrior shows solid administration clear. The film and the epic sonnet demonstrated initiative to their nations. Buliwyf and Beowulf both show extraordinary authority from numerous points of view by taking a chance with their lives.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Paideia: A Concept Contributing to the Education of Humanity and Societal Well-Being :: Philosophy
Adding to the Education of Humanity and Societal Well-Being Unique: For the purpose of mankind, outward impulse must change into internal check. This is conceivable with the assistance of paideia. I use paideia rather than the obscure German word Bildung, which includes the implications of instruction, arrangement, and development. The center of my as of late created idea of paideia is that the teaching individual does what must be done in a specific circumstance. The person in question works alone or along with the other. In accomplishing a work the informed individual attempts to dodge any burden for the other. The completed work speaks to the acknowledgment of both, the person just as the other in a stage toward self-acknowledgment. This way of thinking of training coordinates into one single idea the two primary hints of speculations of instruction in European nations, to be specific the hypotheses of self-being and those of benevolence. The idea of paideia is a potential response to genuine issues, for example, the hole between the rich and poor people, the expansion of savagery, existing political radicalism, misuse of characteristic assets, etc. As indicated by this circumstance, not all individuals are instructed quite well. I guarantee that the clarified way of thinking of training can add to the instruction of mankind. The mix of self-being and magnanimity ensures the ideal acknowledgment of sense in a given circumstance. This guarantees the basic work of the individual and the other can grow well indeed, with the goal that both are interlaced in the outcome. I. From Outward Compulsion to Inward Control For a long time our current society has been portrayed by sociologists and savants as being dictated by three variables: first science and innovation, second broad communications including new types of correspondences like the Internet, and third independence and pluralism. These three attributes of the current circumstance point to the diminuation of human prospects. For on one side we live in a general public of supposed boundless prospects regarding science, innovation, correspondence and individual singularity. On the opposite side, in any case, genuine reasoning and doing, genuine talk and genuine self-molding appear to develop poor or become incomprehensible. The prize we are obliged to pay for our current society, the prize of our potential outcomes is incidentally that of the inconceivability of our extraordinary prospects, be they individual or social. So the make progress toward flawlessness exposes itself as an impromptu crumbling in numerous domains of social and individu al life.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Background and Management at Palmas Bank
The nearby money in this section clarifies the foundation and the board of Palmas Bank. The Palmas Bank is situated in the edges of Fortaleza in the northeastern piece of Brazil. For instance of created nations, there are Community Banks and Community Organizations in Ceala, the capital of Fortaleza. The nearby cash of the Palmas Bank adds to the inhabitants of poor people and the provincial economy, making a feeling of solidarity in the utilization and speculation of elective assets among occupants and territorial organizations. The historical backdrop of Palmas people group association and offices has empowered nearby inhabitants to build up living and living assets for network associations and offices. The most remarkable purpose of Covesting is its group with a monetary foundation in the regions of speculation banking, exchanging, and private administration. Covesting group is going by author and CEO Dmitrij Pruglo. Dmitrij is a money related and speculation banking master (previous Saks Bank administrator) with over 12 years involvement with the field of outside trade exchanging, financial exchanges and subordinates. Head Operating Officer and Co-Founder Tim Voronin is an accomplished stock and subordinates broker. Tim began exchanging profession as a prop merchant of Argo Traders in 2008. There, as one of the most shaky occasions throughout the entire existence of the market, we exchanged with the London Stock Exchange on XETRA. Another prime supporter of this undertaking is Dinis Guarda. This is one of the most powerful 20 individuals in money related innovation and square chains (Richtopia). His job at Covesting is to help the Board of Directors in building up industry driving exchanges and P2P resource the executives stages in the field of encryption. Giovanni's profession is customary money related and global business, banking danger and exchanging framework. He is an individual from Hedge's helping to establish group and is an outer advisor of Adbank and Lucyd. His abilities go from representative, applied, usage, systems administration and business improvement to commercialization and adaptation of theoretical and budgetary innovation related items. Giovanni moved on from the main 100 business college of the University of Western Australia and has a business degree in worldwide business, banking and financial matters. He additionally got bank hazard accreditation and applied light-footed work strategies. He is the worth chain of Block Chain Technology Communicator and its worth included use case. Gracious, obviously! I am a budgetary, business improvement and promoting expert with a foundation in innovation, plan, business, and banking. I have a bosses degree in business organization from St. Andrews University and a four year college education in software engineering from Newcastle University. A year ago I took an interest in a few ICOs. UTRUST, Opu, Safein - I am insane! I have involvement with promoting, the executives and counseling of different ventures so I want to carry some valuable experiences into the TV-TWO table.
Bliss magazine Doesnt the name say it all Essay Example For Students
Ecstasy magazine: Doesnt the name say everything? Exposition Euphoria magazine㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ Doesnt the name say everything? Joy, paradise, heaven, pleasure, satisfaction, joy, joy, agreement and joy, is this what Bliss magazine truly is or is there something more profound to it? The infant shine magazine sells at any rate 400 000 magazines per month and goes up by 21% period on period, it has 523 000 perusers, so what causes it to draw in such a colossal crowd? What is so extraordinary about this magazine? Ecstasy magazine is perused by adolescent, defenseless young ladies as youthful as eleven or twelve years of age. The magazine, anyway says its 'average peruser' is seventeen years of age. This shows the magazine doesn't know that what they are distributing is drawing in the more youthful young ladies as opposed to the focused on perusers. The magazine is overflowing with promotions, the adverts are about excellence, make up and young men. The magazine is very exorbitant for what is it, there are such a large number of adverts and the vast majority of different articles are likewise firmly connected with selling magnificence items. 33% of the pages are given exclusively to commercials. It costs Ââ £1. 75 every month, which is a significant charge for a little youngster to be paying every month, not every person will have the option to manage the cost of it. The magazine is jam-pressed with express sort articles which will undoubtedly degenerate the youthful, powerless personalities of the perusers. Euphoria has 194 pages, this appears to be an enormous sum, however once the adverts have been evacuated, there isnt much left to the magazine. Rachel Stevens is appeared on the title page of the magazine, she is a famous big name in the media spotlight and most young ladies have her as their symbol. Just by having a well known face on the front of a magazine pulls in perusers to come and purchase the magazine, this gives the magazine authority. On the spread it peruses ' How to be wonderful like Rachel Stevens. Puurrrr! ' This is in now way unobtrusive, it says in an obvious way that in the event that you read this magazine, you can be much the same as Rachel Stevens, this will make a focal point of consideration for those with feeling of inadequacy which is regular in little youngsters, as they are growing up. The magazine spread is overwhelmingly fluorescent pink and yellow, these are very 'girly' hues and would unquestionably get the eyes of thirteen to multi year olds. The shading pink has consistently been very provocative and this will make little youngsters who are finding new things need to get it, they will think that its engaging. 354 different ways to seem as though a sex little cat' The words SEX KITTEN are in enormous intense pink letters, the word sex gets the attention of everybody, all the more so of the childish young ladies who are not truly learned about sex. The number '354' strikes out at you, it is an enormous number and is by all accounts very arbitrary, not having an y essentialness, it likewise suggests that you can spend a great deal of cash on this, it is justified, despite all the trouble as there are such huge numbers of approaches to look great. Despite the fact that it says '354' approaches to look great, it isn't altogether evident, there are 354 adverts. 20 things that turn young men on' this will certain grip the brains of energetic young ladies who look for approaches to feel more seasoned. At twelve years old or thirteen young ladies are starting to discover progressively about young men. The name of the magazine itself 'joy' is simply requesting to be perused. Delight the best inclination on the planet, this is additionally what individuals state drugs do to you. The cost is composed on the top corner of the page, the word 'just' make you believe that it is worth more than Ââ £1. 75. The feature 'my mums a pornography star! ' Is intended to be not kidding, yet it is written in an immature structure and could be viewed as hostile. The young lady who grew a willy at 17', the word 'willy' isn't fitting, yet again this is the kind of thing that will get the eyes of a juvenile multi year old who will discover this unfathomably entertaining, or something to discuss, she will feel wicked. The inscription 'extravagant young ladies? Dont stress! ' Is composed adversely, as anybody perusing the magazine who fancies young ladies may feel awkward in the wake of understanding this. When is says 'dont stress', the young ladies who may not be stressing may imagine that they ought to be stressing. The magazine is reflexive implying that it needs to seem disputable and incites childish young ladies to peruse it in light of the fact that is makes them think it something awful and your mum wouldnt favor of it so thy feel brave, overstatement. In the wake of taking a gander at the spread intently, I find that is it an effective spread for the focused on perusers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 12-multi year olds, yet not fruitful for young ladies more established than this on the grounds that the idea of the greater part of the inscriptions on the spread are to do with sex in a juvenile manner which would drive the more seasoned young ladies away. Rainman EssayThe models are related with progress, so again the advert infers that you can accomplish this, equitable by wearing the lip-sparkle. Despite the fact that this is clearly false, the advert is so incredible and conclusive, that the peruser is effectively tricked into purchasing the lip-sparkle. The model looks incredible for a night out and it suggests that on the off chance that you wear the lip-sparkle so will you. The advert all in all has a 'smooth' vibe to it, the models hair is slicked, there is a smooth out of sight. The models face is sparkling, much the same as precious stones. The shade of the advert is girly and ladylike, infant blue, and purple, this makes it alluring to young ladies. The hues are cheerful. The Maybelline trademark at the base rhymes and has a rehashed beat which makes is noteworthy thus you are bound to recall the item and get it. Extremely amazing and winning words are utilized, for example, 'combine' and 'liquid' which don't seem as though they are connected at all with lip-gleam. The word 'new' makes it increasingly alluring and needed as everybody enjoys new things. The 'flaw pen' advert on page 9 is likewise a viable advert. It includes a model likewise, yet this time wearing more cosmetics and the more unmistakable attributes of her face is her skin, which is the thing that the item is about. This advert utilizes realities to fortify the possibility that this item will leave your skin immaculate and unadulterated. The advert says new, which is alluring it the vast majority, as a great many people like new things, as the more up to date is it, the better it will be. There is likewise the impression which is by the British skin establishment, this makes bolsters the thoughts in the advert and makes it increasingly authentic, and 'O. K. ' in light of the fact that it has been affirmed. The foundation is basic and unadulterated, much the same as the item itself; it is white, which strengthens the possibility of neatness and immaculateness. The 'Rimmel, immovable shading nail clean' advert is additionally successful. There is a young ladies hand either opening or securing a belt, this has numerous sexual implications, and will pull in youthful perusers since it will make them feel that by wearing this nail clean they can do likewise. The hues are energetic and appealing and they would grab the attention of most of individuals. The models hands do look pleasant, thus clearly it suggests that your hands can look this decent in the event that you wear this nail clean. The words 'NO COMPROMISE. NO CONTEST' are extremely cruel and to the point, they have a 'cool' vibe, thus the more youthful young ladies will be intrigued by this and will purchase the nail clean. Generally, Bliss magazine is written in the style which would draw in the more youthful young ladies, yet has the substance which are appropriate for the more seasoned young ladies. The adverts infer that magnificence is everything; most articles are advanced around young men and sex. These are issues that the more youthful young ladies of 11 or 12 ought not be confronted with. The adverts all utilization astute dividing and appealing, great utilization of words to make the items a lot more alluring than they truly are. The delight authors have said in their media pack that their regular peruser is 17 years of age, when it plainly isnt, they know about this on the grounds that on all the difficult pages, and all the letters, the ages are from as low as 10 years old. As I would like to think, multi year olds don't peruse Bliss magazine by any stretch of the imagination, and solid issues are examined in detail in this magazine which are probably going to degenerate the young ladies powerless personalities. The media pack has a ton of statement in the language that they use. Young ladies are aspiring's 'shes faithful'. The media pack is written in a totally extraordinary tone to the magazine, it is increasingly formal and genuine, and it is focused at moderately aged individuals, not little youngsters. The media pack makes an item of it. The media pack has numerous senseless remarks, 'The Bliss peruser is getting some answers concerning herself and will explore until she finds a brand that she will stay faithful to forever' this magazine just mentions to young ladies what looks great, there is no space for experimentation, the magazine TELLS the young ladies what to wear, thus this is a senseless articulation. The Bliss media pack expresses that 71% of Bliss perusers are single, this shows the more vexed young ladies who need direction, the ones that experience the ill effects of feeling of inadequacy read this magazine, they are bound to think anything they read, as they are increasingly powerless. So in general, these magazines utilize numerous gadgets to get profound into the brains of the perusers to make them purchase the items, they focus on little youngsters who are bound to tune in.
Friday, August 21, 2020
McCain Foods Essay Example for Free
McCain Foods Essay McCain Foods is a Canadian organization that produces potatoes and gave a wide range of fries to their clients everywhere throughout the world. McCain Foods Company is a notable potato maker. McCain additionally contends with open organizations, for example, Kraft Foods, Aviko and ConAgra Foods which have an away from as far as raising capital since they are likewise creating potatoes as their fundamental item. Private possession puts the organization at a serious detriment. Indeed, even so McCain Foods Company attempts to advise their clients by doing efforts and advancement by giving focuses and free conveyances. Purchaser food use on prepared to-eat nourishments keeps on ascending because of the accomplishment of new feasting ideas, and evolving way of life. Segment factors, for example, more families with working ladies, littler family measures when all is said in done, and increasingly discretionary cashflow combined with less dispensable time has prodded this pattern. Since McCain Foods is progressively centered around business to business they are joined forces with not many organizations that will help them in bundling, in looking at their potatoes quality and dissemination. Because of the adjustments in the outer condition that impacts McCain Foods Company deal rates, they made changes to improve their potatoes quality to keep up their clients request. Such us, utilizing the sunflower oil that lessens soaked fats by 70% as opposed to utilizing customary vegetable oil. This is made in light of the fact that mostly McCain Foods have a system to keep a decent connection with their ranchers and clients In the Netherlands, McCain Foods Company is situated in Lelystad where the corps are developed and dispersed. The conveyance of McCain Food items are finished by street to the next European nations and boats to be circulated to different nations outside the European locale. McCain Food Company McCain Foods is an organization situated in Canada and an exclusive organization set up in 1957 by four siblings specifically Wallace and Harrison McCain, bolstered by siblings Andrew and Robert. McCain Foods is the world’s biggest producer of solidified French fries and potato claims to fame. McCain nourishments likewise act in helping the earth and accomplished a few Charitable Initiatives, for example, â€Å"Feeding the ravenous and supporting instruction in South Africa†and â€Å"Supporting sport in the UK for ? 5 million to UK Athletics â€Å". McCain Foods is the biggest French fry maker on the planet, guaranteeing a worldwide piece of the pie of practically 33%. (4) McCain works all inclusive with more than 57 creation and assembling offices across six mainlands. The company’s items are accessible in a great many eateries and store coolers in excess of 125 nations around the globe. The organization has least nearness in the creating natural nourishments portion. Regular and natural food items section is one of the quickest developing classes in food retailing. The organization has not procured any natural brand organizations nor has it propelled natural items. Inside condition McCain foodsâ is an association that has the saying: â€Å"McCain it’s all good†. Their activities, choices and practices are guided by their qualities and Code of Conduct. McCain is attempting to make their business to be increasingly similar to a privately-run company. Since certain organizations are known for the items they make, and some are known for the individuals who make them while McCain likes to be known for both. Their system is to keep a decent connection with the ranchers and their clients. As it is appeared in Graph (1. 1), McCain Foods makes contracts with their provider accomplices and producer accomplices, despite the fact that the quantity of the provider accomplices is more noteworthy than the cultivator accomplices. They likewise utilized a ton of representatives to work in their organization. With these enormous numbers McCain Foods is likewise attempting to keep up their relationship with their workers and accomplices, on the grounds that these numbers discloses to us that McCain pretty much is relying upon their provider accomplices, the ranchers, and representatives. Same thing goes to the Supplier accomplices and Employees of McCain Foods. This implies there is a mutualism connection between McCain, the representatives and their accomplices that will bring a decent outcome.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
How Is Xanax Used to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder
How Is Xanax Used to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Print How Is Xanax Used to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on November 29, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Getty / Caiaimage / Agnieszka Wozniak In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Mechanism Dosage Xanax for Other Disorders Contraindications Risks and Side Effects Xanax Prescriptions View All Xanax (alprazolam) is a medication used primarily to treat panic disorder but also used in the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD).?? Xanax was first approved in the United States in 1981 and has become a commonly prescribed medication for anxiety. Xanax for Social Anxiety Disorder If youve been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, the first line of medication treatment is usually selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, Xanax may be prescribed as a short-term option to help manage symptoms of anxiety. In this way, its not a first-line treatment, but rather a complement to other treatment options. Why Xanax Is Prescribed for SAD If your doctor has given you a prescription for Xanax, it is likely to treat symptoms you experience that comes on quickly. This isnt a long-term treatment option, but rather a short-term solution to panic or anxiety that you experience in specific situations. Xanax will not permanently cure your anxiety; rather, it helps to reduce your symptoms, often so that you can better participate in other forms of treatment, such as psychotherapy. Because Xanax starts working quickly, it will give you some immediate relief if you are suffering from severe bouts of anxiety. How Xanax Works Xanax provides fast relief of anxiety symptoms often seen in SAD and other anxiety disorders. It works specifically by binding to GABA receptors in your brain. This inhibits neuron activity (slows down your brain activity), and has the effect of reducing anxiety, fear, and feelings of terrorâ€"it might also leave you feeling sleepy, relaxed, and calm. Typically, the peak effects of taking Xanax occur within 1-2 hours of taking the drug, and it will wear off in about 11 hours?.?? How Xanax Is Prescribed Xanax is generally prescribed for a limited time. A doctor who prescribes this medication for longer than 8 weeks should check on the status of your anxiety to see if other treatment options might be more suitable.?? Xanax is taken in pill form and typical dosages of Xanax are 2 to 4 mg per day. If you have been prescribed Xanax, your doctor will probably start at a lower dose and adjust it upward to achieve optimal effects. Xanax for SAD Versus Other Disorders Xanax is most commonly prescribed for panic attacks, which occur as part of panic disorder and agoraphobia. It might also be used in the case of simple phobias for situations that rarely occur, such as a person who has a fear of flying. Xanax is helpful for panic-inducing situations as it can be used as needed before an event. In the case of social anxiety disorder, Xanax is more commonly prescribed for cognitive symptoms such as worrying about performance or the judgment of others. In this case, Xanax can be taken about an hour before a performance event. Who Should Not Take Xanax You should not take Xanax if you have a hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, have acute narrow-angle glaucoma, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Xanax has also not been shown effective for people under age 18. People with liver or kidney problems also should not take Xanax. As this medication is processed by these organs, if they are not working correctly, Xanax may build up in your body leading to the possibility of overdose or heavy sedation. Risks and Side Effects Side Effects The most common side effects of taking Xanax are sedation and drowsiness. In general, benzodiazepines such as Xanax have fewer side effects than other longer-term medications for anxiety. Avoid driving, operating machinery and participating in hazardous activities until you know how you react to Xanax. Medication Interactions A number of medication interactions can potentially occur with Xanax. It is important that your doctor is aware of all the medications you are currently taking. In addition, the effects of Xanax may be intensified if combined with alcohol. Dependence and Withdrawal There is a risk of emotional and physical dependence when taking Xanax. Withdrawal symptoms are possible if the medication is abruptly stopped and may include the risk of seizures?.??Be sure to follow your doctors directions for stopping Xanax or changing the dosage. Over time, there is a risk of your brain producing less GABA naturally, which may make Xanax less effective. If you have a history of substance abuse or addiction, Xanax may not be the best treatment option. Obtaining a Xanax Prescription If youve suffered for a long time with anxiety, you may wonder how to get prescribed Xanax and if it could help. While it is something that you can ask your doctor about, ultimately he or she will make the decision about the best treatment options for your situation. It is important not to use Xanax obtained from someone else. Not only is it illegal to take a medication without a prescription, but it can be dangerous. Besides the risk of dependence and withdrawal, combining Xanax with other substances that subdue your nervous system such as painkillers, antihistamines, and alcohol can be dangerous?.??Xanax should only be taken under the advice of a prescribing physician. In addition, Xanax can cause feelings of euphoria when taken in too large of doses, or by people who dont have anxiety. For all of these reasons, stay clear of taking a medication such as Xanax that was not prescribed for you. What to Do If Xanax Does Not Work If you find that prescription Xanax is not helping your anxiety, talk to your doctor. He or she will be able to either adjust the dose or choose a different medication. Remember that Xanax should form just one part of a larger treatment plan most likely including talk therapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Xanax is not a replacement for other treatment, its part of a larger plan. A Word From Verywell If you have been prescribed Xanax for your social anxiety you may feel nervous and unsure about taking the medication. These feelings are normal and to be expected. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, to ensure that the treatment plan you devise is optimal for your situation.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Composition and Temperature dependence of LEDs - 550 Words
Composition and Temperature dependence of LEDs (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Composition and Temperature dependence of LEDsIntroductionA light-emitting diode is a semiconductor device that emits light. The LED is made up of a variety of chip of semi-conductor materials which are being doped with impurities in order to come up with a p-n junction .most diodes allows current to flows smoothly from the side p which is anode flowing then to side of n which is cathode although they does not allow the reverse way flow of current. The carrier of the charge is both, electrons and holes, flow into the junction from electrodes with different voltages. When an electron meets a hole, it falls into a lower energy level and releases energy in the form of a photon. When light - emitting diodes switched on, electrons recombine with the holes in the device and release energy in form of light in a process called electroluminescence. The type of light emitted by LEDs depends on the energy band gap of the semiconductor. When properly d esigned, the efficiency of an LED will approach 80% meaning that 80% of electrical energy will be converted to photons.( Robert K,1991).The aim of this experiment is to measure V1 and V2 which will be used to calculate the conductivity of the diode.Experiment procedure:List of materials * A voltmeter to measure the resistance of the silicon diode as the temperature of the heat sink decreases. * A silicon diode in a protective Pyrex sleeve connected to a 9 V battery * An aluminum block that will be heated and act as a heat sink * A thermometer to monitor and record the temperature of the silicon diodeProcedureStep1 : Emission spectra for the LEDs at room temperature. 1 Make sure that you open the SpectraSuite program and ensure that the LED provided ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Case Study The Financial Crisis - 1084 Words
Enterprise and Social Responsibility Renato Passos 21271774 Assignment 1 – Case Study: The Financial Crisis The purpose of this case study is to provide an introduction to business ethics. The first section of the assignment is an overview of the stakeholders. The second part is the description of an utilitarian perspective and how it should be applied on the case study. This is followed by the definition of the three ‘maxims’, clashes of rights and two normatives theories examined and applied on the case study. The examples throughout this case study show the constructive side of the theories in terms of how they can be applied. 1.1 Identify each of the stakeholders and how they are affected. What are the main harms and benefits in this case for the different stakeholders based on the current situation? Stakeholders Harms Benefits Competitors Banks like Lehman’s Brothers and Nothern Rock faced weak balance sheets which made them not able to keep their finances. Banking bonuses are back’ which gives high street banks to maximise bank lending. Shareholder The value of shares drop drastically and became worthless. Shareholders had a low rate of profit during the crisis. Shareholders can have a greater rate of profit once banking bonuses are back, allowing banks to perform well. Property owners House owners face inability to sell and negative equity since house prices have increased. The loans have been provided for mortgages to people with poor credit history,Show MoreRelatedFinancial Crisis Case Study875 Words  | 4 PagesIn the lead-up to the global financial crises, Greece was already struggling financially. Joining the European Union (notably below the financial requirements in place by the union) further restricted the control the Greek Government had over manipulating their economy, predominantly due to the centralized euro currency. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
What Makes A Product Marketing - 1398 Words
John Doe, a typical parent of a toddler going to purchase a box of cereal, must first decide a few things before he will become in possession of the cereal. First he must choose at which store he will shop. Next, he must decide what type of cereal to purchase. And finally, he must choose a brand of the particular style of cereal to buy. All of these decisions can surprisingly be influenced by companies. In fact, most of the time consumers are unaware that they are being controlled, so to speak. Many tactics are employed, and many of the tactics are quite imaginative. This manipulation serves to not only increase a company’s profits, but also it serves to make the brand more recognizable. The game of product marketing is remarkably complex due to the influences on consumers through product design, product advertising, and product placement. Part of what makes a product attractive is its appearance. From cellphones to coffee, this statement is both accurate and vital to the marketability of the product. Three of the main components of the product, as well as its packaging, include the materials used as well as colors and sizes. The utilized materials can convey different meanings to a consumer. Looking at the popular Apple iPhone, a part of Apple’s design philosophy is to achieve what is often referred to as a premium feel, though there is no such things as a quantifiable premium. They do this by creating a phone with a solid, metal body. Because of this, consumers associateShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Product Marketing?2228 Words  | 9 Pagesdecide what type of cereal to purchase. And finally, he must choose a brand of the particular style of cereal to buy. All of these decisions can surprisingly be influenced by companies. In fact, most of the time consumers are unaware that they are being controlled, so to speak. Many tactics are employed, and many of the tactics are quite imaginative. This manipulation serves to not only increase a company’s profits, but also it serves to make the brand more recognizable. The game of product marketingRead MoreMarketing Strategy : Price Is What Makes Profits And How Customers Perceive The Value Of A Product Or Service1486 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing Strategy: Price Price is what makes profits and how customers perceive the value of a product or service. Companies will determine prices based on their financial status; quality, costs and the nature of the good. According to Armstrong, G., Kotler, P. (2015), â€Å"price is the sum of all the values that customers give up to gain the benefit of having or using a product or service†(p. 266). Also, pricing is a very important element to achieve organizational objectives, projects, and profitsRead MoreDescribe the Particular Contextual Situation in Which Modern Marketing Evolved and Thrived.1465 Words  | 6 Pagesmodern marketing evolved and thrived. Marketing has developed and changed drastically over the last 50 years and businesses have had to adapt to this change in various ways ranging from their advertisement technique, who they aim their products at and to the way in which they care for the environment through being corporately socially responsible. The keys points are the way in which it had changed and why it has changed which will be looked at into depth in the core of the essay. Marketing hasRead MoreMarketing Strategies For Business Marketing894 Words  | 4 Pagesfinal customer of products is considered to be a business-to-business model. (What is business-to-business (B2B)?, 2016) These types of businesses have distinct differences from business-to-customer companies that raise multiple marketing hurdles to jump. Some of these differences include longer sales cycles, more complex products or services, few identifiable buyers, less buyer research, and different channels for marketing strategies to use. (What Makes Business-to-Business Marketing Different?, 2016)Read MoreBachelor s Degree Lets Marketing Essentials1515 Words  | 7 PagesBachelor’s Degree LETS Marketing Essentials 1 While researching marketing from different websites and textbooks I have come across many definitions for the word ‘marketing’. Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Philip Kotler (2008). Marketing has 4 strategies for example the 4 PS, Price, Product, Place and Promotional Strategy. Marketing involves the development of a product, the determination of its priceRead MoreThe Major Elements Of Marketing856 Words  | 4 PagesThe four Ps approach to marketing has been widely regarded as the traditional approach to marketing. While the value approach concentrates on delivering value to the consumers or customers, the 4Ps approach is evidently concentrated not on customers, but on the product itself. The major elements of the four Ps approach of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion; by that, the four Ps elevate product in the marketing plan while the value approach components are creating, communicating, deliveringRead MoreMarketing Mix1265 Words  | 6 PagesWhat does the phrase marketing mix mean? What is the purpose of the marketing mix? The marketing mix is a process most organizations use to bring a product or service to market. The four Ps is a go od way to define the marketing mix tool. The four Ps or four elements of the marketing mix are product, place, price, and promotion, which are used to satisfy consumers’ needs and the objectives of the organization. After a target market is selected, â€Å"†¦the firm must take steps to satisfy [the customers]Read MoreMarketing Plans: Analyzing the Product Success of Coca Cola1183 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Marketing planning is a key to either success or failure of products in marketing management. This paper analyzes the meaning of a market plan and how it has helped the product or services to be more successful and on the other side, how the market plan has made the product to become of great failure in most organizations. The paper will also analyze an overview of some movies considered to be a failure as well as, extrapolating the problems in studios plan, forecasting at the demandRead MoreMarketing Mix Paper1580 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing Mix Paper 1 RUNNING HEAD: MARKETING MIX PAPER MARKETING MIX PAPER Tony Jones Hayward State University Marketing Mix Paper 2 Introduction In this paper about the Marketing Mix, it will explain the elements of the marketing (product, place, price, and promotion). I have enclosed a chart about the Pricing Strategies Mix. I will also be selecting an organization by the name of Target in whichRead MoreThe Marketing Principles of Fruit Winder Essay846 Words  | 4 PagesThe Marketing Principles of Fruit Winder There are 5 main principles of marketing. They are * Understanding customer needs. * Co-ordinating functions to achieve marketing aims. * Adopting a marketing approach. * Effective customer communications. * Constraints. UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMER NEEDS – Kellogg’s need to identify and understand the needs of both their existing customers, as well as any new potential customers. They will need to adapt their marketing
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Effects Of Minimum Wage On The Economy - 1391 Words
The Effects Minimum Wage on the Economy The controversial topic about increasing minimum wage is debated countless times over the years. Minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer can pay an employee permitted by law. The contemporary federal minimum wage is $7.25. Minimum wage applies to all domestic workers but teenagers are the main receivers of minimum wage. Minimum wage has a major effect on the economy. The question is are the effects positive or negative. There are many arguments on whether minimum wage should be increased or not increased. It is a major debate topic around the country. Although increasing minimum wage raises standard living and cause a growth in the economy, minimum wage should not be increased because it is difficult for low skilled worker to find work, many people will lose their jobs and service and goods will become more expensive. First of all, minimum wage was established in New Zealand and Australia (â€Å"Minimum†). This was around the 1980s. The government of Massachusetts enacted the earliest minimum wage law in the United States. In 1923, fifteen other states passed minimum wage laws. At the time, minimum wage only applied to women and minors. In 1938, The United States Government enacted the Fair Labor Standards Act for all the residents of the United States (â€Å"Department†). President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act. The minimum wage was set to $0.25 an hour. Later, Congress was forced to raise minimum wage becauseShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage And Its Effect On The Economy1015 Words  | 5 Pageshigh unemployment rate is the issue of minimum wage. Depending on the states in U.S., the price of minimum wage is different, but the low minimum wage may cause the economic condition worse. Minimum wage is the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay. This wage is regulated by the law, so all workers must follow this rule. According to the book, â€Å"Minimum Wages†, the author Neumark, David states, â€Å"in 1938, the U.S. Congress passed a federal minimum wage as part of the Fair Labor Standard Act†Read MoreThe Effect Of Minimum Wage On The Economy Essay1329 Words  | 6 PagesI agree with this article, written by Niels Veldhuis, to the extent that minimum wage negatively affects the economy, by increasing unemployment. However, if I were Veldhuis I would have added that the social values of minimum wage may outweigh the negative effects on the economy. This matter is a value judgement, which cannot be proved right or wrong by economics. Veldhuis supports his statement with proof from studies; I will explain these findings with further microeconomic theory. I will discussRead MoreThe Effect of Minimum Wage on the American Economy800 Words  |à ‚ 4 PagesThe Effect of Minimum Wage on the American Economy A sensitive topic for many Americans is their income. Many people’s income relies on minimum wage. In 2012, 3.6 million people received an hourly pay at or below the national minimum wage. There is an ongoing debate in Congress as to what the national minimum wage should be. Currently at $7.25, Obama has suggested raising the national minimum wage to $9.00. Depending on a person’s economic perspective, raising minimum wage could be positive or negativeRead MoreThe Effect Of Minimum Wage On The Economy Of The United States932 Words  | 4 Pagesrule of currency has a major effect toward the amount an individual owns. The current world economy, labor is required in order to supply services to whomever is willing to buy. The amount of money distributed and earned throughout the economy feeds the nation s GDP, which shows the stability of the overall economy of that nation. There is an imaginary sequence that must be established in an economy in order to balance both lab or and revenue to stabilize a country’s economy. Labor is an importantRead MoreThe Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage on US Economy1507 Words  | 6 Pagesyear, the minimum wage has been increasing from less than a dollar to $7.25 now. The question that comes to everybody is that should we increase the minimum wage by too far. Does the minimum wage increase reduce the unemployment since now the current wage is high enough? Some people might think that we should increase the minimum wage in order to increase the labor supply. However, if we think deeply than this, there are more disadvantages than advantages of increasing the minimum wage. The fartherRead MoreThe Effect Of Minimum Wage On The Economy Of The United States905 Words  | 4 Pagesrule of currency has major effect toward the amount an individual owns. In the world economy labor is required in order to supply services to whomever is willing to buy. The amount of money distributed and earned throughout the economy feeds the nation s GDP which shows the stabil ity of the overall economy of that nation. There is an imaginary cycle that must be established in an economy in order to balance both labor and revenue in order to stabilize a country economy. Labor is an importantRead MoreA Brief Note On Raising Minimum Wage1088 Words  | 5 PagesBrendan Mason Mrs. Scruggs 08/07/15 Raising minimum Wage There is always talk about the problems of North Carolina’s economy, and these problems then become publicized and put throughout the media, informing people on the condition of their state’s economy. A popular topic lately is the state’s minimum wage, and whether it should be raised or if we should keep the current minimum wage. Usually, opinions vary on what to do about minimum wage, however there certainly seems to be a larger group ofRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Legal940 Words  | 4 PagesMinimum wage is now at a steady $7.25 per hour and shows no sign of increasing anytime soon. There are states right now at the time that are trying to raise the minimum wage, and see how this will effect the economy of the area. As prices continue to increase in every day expenses, it becomes hard for us to keep up and be able to provide for our family or get even the basic necessities that we may need. People are saying that with more money, they will spend more back to the economy, thus helpingRead MoreMinimum Wage At The United States1129 Words  | 5 Pagesintended to raise the current minimum wage floor of $7.25 in the United States stalled in Congress. As the November election approaches, many Democratic senate members are placing the issue of minimum wage at the forefront of their election campaigns, hoping to sway working-class voters in their favor. The issue of minimum wage has become a matter of politics, politics which far overshadow the far more pertinent concern of minimum wage’s economic effects. Minimum wage is a complex issue, and understandingRead MoreEffect Of Raising Minimum Wage1215 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Raising Minimum Wage The minimum wage in this country has been a controversial issue. Many people believe it will help reduce poverty and boost the economy. However, they are not looking at the downfalls this will bring to our country. This could make the unemployment population rise, it will raise prices of other things, and would have little effect on reducing poverty. Raising the minimum wage would have a negative influence on our country. This movement throughout our country
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Made Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson Part of the...
What Made Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson Part of the Romantic Movement? The Romantic Movement, or period, was from the year 1828 to about 1865. The main feature of the American Romantic period was the celebration and praise of individualism. This time is also considered to be the first period of genuine American creativity. Emotion, instead of reason, became the largest source of inspiration and creativity during this period. All of this was a reaction to all of the constraints that were forced on people during the era of Realism. At this time in history, America was in a great period of expansion, the writers of the American Romantic period were discovering that could create a new and vastly different voice for this new era in†¦show more content†¦Whitman was able to change people’s views on life and was able to give people something that they wanted and were looking for in his creation of a new writing style. His writing about real life experiences connected him well with the common man, which is another aspect of the Romantic period. Whitman is also thought of as the â€Å"father of free verse.†He enjoyed using free verse because it could further distinguish him from other writers of the past, and of his time. Emily Dickinson, who lived from 1830 to 1886, also had a large impact in the American Romantic period. However, she would never know of the impact she had due to the fact that her writings were not published until after her death. The subject of her poetry ranged from religion to nature, which both are large influences to this time. One poem that fits in very well with this era is â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death.†The poem begins by saying, â€Å"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.†This poem deals with human immortality and what occurs after we die. The desire for knowledge and wanting to understand what we currently do not are influences in American Romanticism. Dickinson seemed to be consumed with death and what happens to humans after death, she even wrote to a priest to ask what the state of mind was of a friend she had while he was on his deathbed. Her fascination with death played a major role in many of herShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe / Emily Dickinson3782 Words  | 16 PagesQuasheioh Dukes Professor Tony American Literature 4 March 2013 Romanticism is the only literary movement exhibits a wide variety of art, literature and intellect in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This movement has been a topic of ample disagreements over its defining ideologies and aesthetics. It can best be described as a large network of sometimes competing philosophies, agendas, and points of interest. In England, Romanticism had its greatest influence from the end of the eighteenthRead MoreEarly American Literature Essay1511 Words  | 7 Pagesfifty years of development throughout American before it produced the first great generation of American writers such as, Washington Irving, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Henry David Thoreau, Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson, just to name a few. There was a sense of enlightenment that spread over America in the 18th century. Many of the stories reflected the sense of freedom that came with the revolution. Consider Washington Irving, he was among the first AmericanRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesthinking and beginning to bloom in America, the time period known as The Romantic Age. Romantic thinking stressed on human imagination and emotion rather than on basic facts and reason. Ralph Waldo Emerson not only provided plenty of that, but he also nourished it and inspired many other writers of that time. quot;His influence can be found in the works of Henry David Thoreau, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Henry James, and Robert Frost.quot;. No doubt, Ralph Waldo Emerson wasRead MoreA Brief Introduction to American Literature3396 Words  | 14 Pagesgradually gains its unique style, theme and form, and I ¡Ã‚ ¯m always excited to see their works are more and more America in its true sense. American literature is part of world ¡Ã‚ ¯s literature, however, it always has its unique flavor that cannot be easily ignored. Most critics hold that the history of American literature can be divided into six parts, orderly, colonial period, romanticism, realism, naturalism, modernism and post-modernism. Although American literature in its true sense did not begin untilRead MoreStylistic Analysis10009 Words  | 41 PagesLingvo-stylistic potential of D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"Don’ts††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.12-14 1.3. The main stylistic-semantic features of H.W. Longfellow’s poem â€Å"The Song of Hiawatha†(Introduction)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...14-18 Chapter 2. Romantic and lyrical figure of Robert Burns†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦18 2.1. General stylistic features of R. Burns’s poem â€Å"My Heart’s in the Highlands††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..18-21 2.2. The style in â€Å"My Heart’s in the Highlands††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦21-23
Psycho Dynamic Theories Free Essays
Psychodynamic Theory: â€Å"Fathers Influence on Children’s Development†Jeff Santiago California State University, Fresno Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multi-Systems Approach Social Work 212 Dr. Kris Clarke October 15, 2012 Psychodynamic Theory: â€Å"Fathers Influence on Children’s Development†Psychodynamic Theory Understanding the significance of the father’s role and their influences on children’s development has been at the forefront of empirical research over the last ten years. Numerous studies have enriched empirical literature regarding the father’s influence on children’s development. We will write a custom essay sample on Psycho Dynamic Theories or any similar topic only for you Order Now Theorists have reestablished the conceptual framework in outlining the significance to elicit father’s influence on children’s development (Zacker, 1978). In this paper I will examine the Psychodynamic theory and show the relevance, and applicability to Father’s role in child development. (Kriston, Holzel, Harter, 2009) indicated that long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (LTPP) is more effective than shorter forms of psychotherapy. Therefore, conceptualizing the framework of the psychodynamic theory and the impact it has on the father’s role on child development is critical in understanding its relevance. The review of theory is followed by discussion and the direct correlation to father’s role on child development. Historically, there has been limited empirical research on psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic outcome research is underrepresented in the empirical literature and much of psychodynamic research is process-oriented rather than outcome-oriented (Brandell, 2005). The psychodynamic theory can be challenging to conceptualize, due to its dual implications. (Brandell, 2005) states that psychodynamic models are complex to evaluate, in part because they are concerned with meaning as well as behavior change, and consequently psychodynamic practice has become less well understood and less often practiced. However, understanding psychodynamic theory and how the inner energies are what motivate, dominate, and control people’s behavior, re based in past experience and present reality. According to (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2002) clinical knowledge grounded in psychodynamic theory is one of the most powerful ways we have in looking inside someone’s heart and mind, and without it, we are almost blind, limited to the surface. Understanding the internal psychological factors, and how they are interwoven with external factors such as culture, gender, race, class, and biology help us understand the intricate complexities of an individual. From this perspective, we study how the outside develops a person psychologically, and in turn, how the inner world shapes a person’s outer reality. Internal life is intellectualized within biological and social contexts. What is inside and outside an individual comes to be metabolized as psychological strengths and disturbances (Berzoff et al. , 2002). Through the lenses of psychodynamic theory, it accounts for the forces of love or hate, sexuality, and aggression, which express themselves differently in each individual, and ultimately shape how each individual functions and develops. According to (Berzoff et al. , 2002) Freud viewed humans as inhuman in their nature, fueled by forces, fantasies, longings, and passions beyond their control. Many psychological issues develop when forces in the mind oppose drives. Mental activity derives from the id, the ego, and superego, each having unique functions. Although despite having these unique functions, they frequently conflict with one another (Berzoff et al. , 2002). So, psychodynamic theory involves interactions between different parts of the mind, between childhood, and adult events. Moreover, psychodynamic theory examines deep underlying issues involving the unconscious elements in interactions between individuals, where emotion is a primary focus. According to (Jarvis, 2004) psychodynamic theory emphasizes particular childhood events, ranging from sexual abuse to successful formation of an infant-primary care attachment. The significance of early relationships of our social-emotional development is profoundly affected by the quality of relationships we experience. Psychodynamic and Father’s Role on Child Development The psychodynamic theory reinforces the direct correlation to the father’s role on child development. In Freudian theory, the father is seen with particular importance related to child development (Jarvis, 2004). The psychodynamic approach assumes we are influenced in some way by mental processes by which we are not normally aware. Furthermore, there exists continuity between childhood and adult experience. According to (Jarvis, 2004, p. ) many characteristics of the adult personality, both normal and abnormal, can be traced to childhood experience. Consequently, the historical framework of the psychodynamic theory clearly identifies the importance of early relationships, especially father’s role on child development. There is an importance of early relationships, and the psychological significance of subjective experience and unconscious mental processes (Jarvis, 2004). The psychodynamic theory reiterates that children benefit from male contributions to children’s early experiences. The relevance from the psychodynamic theory, significantly impacts the direct correlation of father’s role in child development. Father’s have significant influences on adjustment, and become increasingly important as offspring move into adulthood. (Jarvis, 2004) states several contributors illustrate historical, cultural, and family ideologies inform the roles fathers play, and undoubtedly shape the absolute amounts of time fathers spend with their children, the activities they share with them, and perhaps even the quality of relationships between fathers and children. The framework of the psychodynamic theory reinforces that fathers frequently play a number of roles that include: companions, care providers, spouses, protectors, models, moral guides, teachers, and breadwinners. According to (Brandell, 2005) children with highly involved fathers were characterized by increased cognitive competence, increased empathy, fewer sex-stereotyped beliefs, and a more internal locus of control. One can speculate the benefits obtained by children with highly involved fathers. Furthermore, the empirical literature review reinforces the impact of father’s role upon child development from the psychodynamic theory. Sensitive fathering that includes: responding, talking, supporting, teaching, and encouraging their children to learn, predicts children’s socio-emotional, cognitive, and linguistic achievements (Jarvis, 2004). By outlining how the id, ego, and superego have independent functions, yet in spite of the functions, have repeated conflict with one another impacted by the father’s influence upon child development. As mentioned earlier, the psychodynamic theory reinforces profound significance of early childhood relationships. References Ashford, J. B. , LeCroy, C. W. (2010). Human Behavior in the Social Environment A Multidimensional Perspective (4th ed. ). Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning: Author. Berzoff, J. , Flanagan, L. M. , Hertz, P. (2002). Inside Out and Outside In. Retrieved from GOOGLE ebookstore Brandell, J. R. (2005). Psychodynamic Social Work. Columbia University Press: Columbia University. Grainger, S. (2004). Family Background and Female Sexual Behavior. Human Nature, 15(2), 133-145. Jarvis, M. (2004). Psychodynamic Psychology: Classic Theory and Contemporary Research. Retrieved from GOOGLE ebookstore Kriston, L. , Holzel, L. , Harter, M. (2009, March 4). Analyzing Effectiveness of Long-term Psychodynamic Psyotherapy. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 301(9), 930-933. http://dx. doi. org/10. 100/jama. 2009. 178 Zacker, J. (1978). Parents as Change Agents: A Psychodynamic Model. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 32:4, 572-582. Retrieved from How to cite Psycho Dynamic Theories, Essay examples
Corporate Law For Minority Shareholders
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Law For Minority Shareholders. Answer: Introduction A minority shareholder, as the name suggests, is a person who has shares in a company but which are very less in number. Any decision of the company is made by passing resolutions in majority. This holds the minority shareholders in a losing position. Even if they want to protect their interests, they cannot do so as they do not hold the majority. To protect the interests of such minority shareholder from such oppression, certain remedies are available with the minority shareholder (Macmillan, 2003). The present case deals with the oppression of minority shareholders and the remedies that are available to them. Oppression of Minority Shareholders As stated above, the work done in any company is based on the principle of majority rule. The majority shareholders and the Board make the decision, which have an impact on the overall company and includes an impact on the minority shareholders. And herein is the problem. The rule of majority is accompanied by the risk of abuse. This concept was established in the case of Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461 (Boyle, 2002). The recognition of such risks has led to the introduction of statutory remedies for the relief of minority shareholders (Lexis PSL, 2016). In the given case, Walter and Shirley are minority shareholders in Happy Days Ltd. The Board of Directors of Happy Days Ltd. has changed certain policies of company which has resulted in an oppression of Water and Shirley being the minority shareholders. The change in policies includes the adoption of no dividend policy, diversification of companys business and an increase in the fees. These decisions were taken without the any participation of minority shareholders. Further, these decisions have a significant negative impact on the interests of these minority shareholders. Hence, an oppression of minority shareholders is present in this case (Law Teacher, 2016). Statutory Remedies Part 2F.1 in the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) contains sections regarding oppressive conduct of affairs (Tomasic, Bottomley McQueen, 2002). As per section 232 of this Act the Court has the liberty to make an order under section 233 in case the performance of the affairs of a corporation; or a proposed or an actual act or omission by or on behalf of such corporation; or a proposed resolution or a resolution of members of a class of members of a corporation is either opposing to the interests of the members totally; or unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory or oppressive to or against a member(s) in any capacity. A notable case in this regard is Campbell v Backoffice Investments Pty Ltd (2009) 238 CLR 304, 334 [72] (High Court of Australia, 2009). When unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory or oppressive conduct is established in a case, the Court has the power to make an order which grants relief stated in section 233 of this Act (Corporations Act 2001, 2016). The Court can make an order for winding up of a company; or a modification or revocation of the constitution of the company; or regulation of the conduct of affairs of a company; or purchase of shares by any person or member of the company which have been transmitted by operation of law or by will; or purchase of shares with suitable diminution of the share capital of the company; or authorize a person or member to whom the shares of the company have been transmitted by operation of law or by will, to defend, discontinue, institute or prosecute particular dealings on behalf of or in the name of the company; or appointment of a receiver for all or some of the property of the company; or imposing a restriction on a person from engaging in particular conduct or fr om doing a particular act; or the Court may require a person to do some particular act (Victorian Law Reform Commission, 2016). The order that a Court can make may fall outside the mentioned list as the Court has the liberty to provide relief in the manner it deems most appropriate (Latimer, 2012). But the aggrieved party would have to mention the nature of relief it seeks from the Court. The Court awards such remedy which is the least interfering and which eliminates the oppression (Austin Ramsay, 2013). In the case of Re Spargos Mining NL (1990) 3 ACSR 1, 501, the Court ordered appointment of a new board, an amendment of the articles of the company and reporting by the new board to the court in every 3 months (Blumberg, 2004). Further, an action can be taken not only against the company, but also against the directors and other shareholders. Being the member of Happy Days Ltd, Walter and Shirley can apply for the statutory remedies mentioned in Section 233 of the Corporation Act 2001 (Corporations Act 2001, 2016). The first remedy stated in this section is winding up of the company. This order is passed as a last resolve and is considered very drastic and is not usually awarded in cases of oppressive conduct. Especially when the company is doing well in trade, the other available remedies are awarded by the court. In this case, Walter and Shirley would not be able to apply for this remedy. The next relief available for Walter and Shirley is the modification or revocation of constitution of company. The changes made by director are not affected due to an error or loop in the constitution and hence, Walter and Shirley cannot resort to this remedy. Walter and Shirley can apply for regulation of the conduct of companys affair in future. The performance of the affairs of the company is currently conducted in a manner which results in harm to its members. The change in policies affects the interest of Walter and Shirley. They can prove this by making a reference to the increase in fees. Walter and Shirley have to show evidence that the steep price hike is to provide money for the proposed development in Melbourne. Also, they can make a reference to the diversification of business. In this matter, they can clearly show the a retiree requires more space than a student who moves out of the accommodation after completion of studies but a retiree spends the rest of his life in such accommodation and hence requires more space. And so Walter and Shirley can resolve their concern of increase in fees and diversification of business by using this remedy. The shares have neither been transmitted by operation of law, and nor by will so, Walter and Shirley cannot request the Court to get their shares purchased by any member or person. Walter and Shirley should not ask for purchase of shares with a reduction in companys share capital. The reason behind this is that the company is a growing business and running its trade. There are other members also and a reduction in share capital of company would result in oppression against such members (Willcocks, 1991). Hence, Walter and Shirley cannot use this as a remedy. Walter and Shirley can ask the court to discontinue the diversification of the business of the company. They can also request the court to pass an order to discontinue the increase in fees. The proof would be the same as given in the case of conduct of companys affairs in the future. As the shares have neither been transmitted by operation of law and nor by will so Walter and Shirley cannot ask the Court to authorize any member or person to defend, discontinue, institute or prosecute particular dealings on behalf of or in the name of the company. And as the company is not being wound up, Walter and Shirley cannot request for appointment of a receiver for the property of the company. Walter and Shirley can request the court to restrain the directors from diversifying the business of the company. The proof would be the same as given in the case of conduct of companys affairs in the future (Keay, 2011). Further, Walter and Shirley can also request the court to prevent the Chairman of the company from defaming Walter. The proof of defamation is evident from the interview conducted by Channel 7 news. In that interview the Chairman had made very rude remarks about Walter. Further, Walter and Shirley can request the Court to stop the Chairman from forcing Walter out of the village. This would relieve Walter and Shirley from the concerns of moving out of the village where they have been living for the last three years. Walter and Shirley should also request the Court to direct the company to restart the payment of dividends as it is a right of a member. They can also request the court to direct the Chairman to pay the damages in form payment for knee replacement which resulted from the knee damage that Walter received as a result of scuffle between him and the Chairman. This would ensure that their concerns regarding dividend and knee replacement are met. Lastly, going beyond these statutory remedies, Walter and Shirley can ask the court for monetary damages due to the negligence of the Chairman which resulted in injury to Walter. Practical Implications of Statutory Remedies The court passes a winding up order when it proved to be just and equitable. In case Walter and Shirley apply for a winding up of the company, they would have to show to the satisfaction of the court that the winding up would result in huge surplus and would not be in the nature of an insolvency procedure. The court passes a winding up order on the same basis as it grants a relief for an unfair prejudice application. In reality, a winding up order is not considered to be beneficial for the minority shareholders as the breakup value of the assets of the company is usually small. Also, the purchases available are usually the majority shareholders who have resulted in such oppression (Bottomley, 2016). As stated above, winding up is a drastic remedy and is considered as the last resort to be awarded as a remedy. Hence, it is not practical for Walter and Shirley to consider this statutory remedy. The constitution of a company is the document which contains the rights, duties and powers of a company and provides the rules which govern the relationship between the company and its various stakeholders. The Constitution binds the directors and shareholders to abide the provisions of the constitution. Modifying or revoking a constitution is not practical. It is formed after taking into consideration a lot of factors and modifying it as a remedy is way too extreme. So, Walter and Shirley should not consider this statutory remedy. Regulation of conduct of a business is quite normal in case of a remedy involving oppressive conduct. In case a minority shareholder is harmed from the oppressive conduct, the best way to resolve the situation is by regulating the affair of the business (Baxt, 2005). This ensures an absence of oppressive conduct in future. In a landmark case of Fexuto Pty Ltd v Bosnjak Holdings Pty Ltd (2001) 37 ACSR 672, [89], the judge held that the complained conduct should be related to the affairs of the company (Berkahn, 2008). The court has to examine whether the conduct was in interest of the company or not. Here, the conduct was oppressive as it was against the interests of minority shareholders (CCH Australia Limited, 2011). Further, the judge in this case held that even though the affairs may be against minority shareholders, but if the conduct is in favor of the company as a whole, then the companys interest would be given preference instead of the interests of minority shareholders. Hence, this remedy is unrealistic in the case of Walter and Shirley. The shares have neither been transmitted by operation of law and nor by will so asking the Court to get their shares purchased by any member or person is not a practical approach for Walter and Shirley. Even if such had been the case, by losing their shares, they would have no further rights in the company. Moreover, such shares are usually purchased by the majority shareholders and beat the whole purpose of seeking a remedy as a result of oppressive conduct. The reduction of share capital has negative impact not only on the company but all of its shareholders. By asking for a reduction in the share capital, Walter and Shirley would themselves be at a loss. By requesting the court to discontinue the diversification of the business of the company and to discontinue the increase in fees, Walter and Shirley would prove ass a hurdle in the growth of the company. Any diversification, a company grows, and stopping the growth of the company is completely impractical. Further, the fee has been increased due to the rise in demand by the residents of more facilities. And the contract between Happy Days Ltd and the residents does allow for a review of annual fees. This gives company the right to increase the rent. Further, if the company does not increase the fees, it would not be able to provide such amenities to the members and could also incur loss. So, Walter and Shirley would not be successful in attaining this remedy and so, this remedy is unrealistic. As stated above, asking the Court to authorize any member or person to defend, discontinue, institute or prosecute particular dealings on behalf of or in the name of the company is impractical. And requesting for receiver for the property of the company in case of winding up of the company is also not a viable option. As stated above, restraining the directors from diversification is not a suggestive approach. But restraining the director from making any adverse remarks against a person is a completely practical thing to do. This would result in firstly, a stoppage on such remarks in future and secondly, damages from such defamation. No one has the authority to defame any one. And so, by requesting the court to pass an order to stop the chairman from making defamatory statements would result in proper conduct on part of Chairman in the future. This type of remedy is awarded quite common in such cases. A dividend cut is considered as a very negative act. A company is free to increase, decrease, start or stop the payment of dividend. When a company faces financial crunch as a result of weakened earnings or a loss or does not have enough funds to pay the dividends, it can stop the payment of dividend. Here, the company stopped paying dividends so as to use the retained earnings for the growth of company. A company grows with its shareholders. If the shareholders are not happy, the company would not grow. So, by cutting back the dividends, the company would actually be in an adverse state. By applying to the court for restarting the payment of dividend, Walter and Shirley would be held in a favorable position. And have a high chance of getting this remedy awarded to them by the Court. References Austin, R.P., Ramsay, I.M. (2014).Fords Principles of Corporations Law(16th ed.). Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths. Baxt, R. (2005). Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Officers (18th ed.). NSW: The Australian Institute of Company Directors. Berkahn, M. (2008). Unfair Prejudice: Who has it right, economically speaking?. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Blumberg, P.I., et al. (2004) Blumberg on Corporate Groups (2nd ed., pp 90-14). New York: Wolters Kluwer. Bottomley, S. (2016). The Constitutional Corporation: Rethinking Corporate Governance. UK: Routledge. Boyle, A.J. (2002). Minority Shareholders Remedies. Cambridge, UK: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge. CCH Australia Limited. (2011). Australian Corporations Securities Legislation 2011: Corporations Act 2001, ASIC Act 2001, related regulations. Australia: McPhersons Printing Group. Corporations Act 2001. (2016). Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Corporations Act 2001. (2016, March 19). Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: High Court of Australia. (2009). Campbell v Backoffice Investments Pty Ltd[2009] HCA 25. Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Keay, A.R. (2011). The Corporate Objective. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Latimer, P. (2012). Australian Business Law 2012 (31st ed.). NSW: CCH Australia Limited. Law Teacher. (2016). Remedies Available to Minority Shareholders Members. Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Lexis PSL. (2016). Minority shareholder protection- overview. Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Macmillan, F. (2003). International Corporate Law. Oregon: Hart Publishing. Tomasic, R., Bottomley, S., McQueen, R. (2002). Corporations Law in Australia (2nd ed.). NSW: Federation Press. Victorian Law Reform Commission. (2016). The oppression remedy in the Corporations Act. Retrieved on 10/09/16 from: Willcocks, P.G. (1991). Shareholders Rights and Remedies. NSW: Federation Press.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Indias large population - Asset or Liability free essay sample
In his theory of population, Malthus stressed the need of keeping population within limits to the point he called Optimum. At this point in time, India has a population of about 1.27 billion people, and it supports upto 17% of the entire worlds population. Of these 1.27 billion people, 50% are below the age of 25, and 65% are below the age of 35. This means that the major part on Indias population are students and young workers. There are more workers than dependents, which is good for any economy. However, it is important to remember that while at this point in time, Indias vast population is a liability, it has the capacity to become an asset. How is Indias population a liability? 1] Limited resources  In the recent years, India has been witnessing acute food shortages that has pushed up the prices of commodities like wheat, sugar, rice, pulses, making it difficult for people to get the basic necessities. We will write a custom essay sample on Indias large population Asset or Liability? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the population is growing fast, the same amount of food produced for years is no longer sufficient. This results in shortage of supply and prices increase. When a few areas are urbanised, all industries, plants and other institutions concentrate in these areas. The whole rural-urban migration trend depicts the same picture, where people from small cities and villages move to big industrial areas for work, business and studies often leaving fewer people taking care of farming and the underdeveloped areas. The major problem of resource scarcity is over-concentration of population in few areas; whereas resources may remain available in regions where there is shortage of people. How is Indias population an asset? 1] Labour There are instances where lesser number of inhabitants is a dilemma. Countries like Canada, Australia and Libya are the examples where smaller population is a handicap. Many developing countries face scarcity of labour, both of skilled and unskilled manpower. India, however, does not have this problem. We have many young and skilled labourers. There are many examples where big population is considered a desirable phenomenon for developing nations. For big manufacturing firms all over the globe, deficiency of cheap labour is one of the major issues. If a country has more labour force it can be availed by initiating different vocational training programmes. This will not only make these peopled skilled and productive but will also help them earn a good standard of living. For example, China has trained its manpower by efficiently utilising it and made it available for business firms as cheap and productive labour force. The giant multinationals have their plants and manufacturing industries in China. India is another major example; big foreign companies have their call centres operating in India just because India has large, cheap and skilled labour force.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Science Lab Report Template - Fill in the Blanks
Science Lab Report Template - Fill in the Blanks If you are preparing a lab report, it may help to have a template to work from. This science fair project lab report template allows you to fill in the blanks, making the write-up process easier. Use the template with the instructions for writing a science lab report to ensure success. The PDF version of this form may be downloaded to save or to print. Lab Report Headings Generally, these are the headings youll use in a lab report, in this order: TitleDateLab PartnersPurposeIntroductionMaterialsProcedureDataResultsConclusionReferences Overview of the Parts of a Lab Report Heres a quick look at the types of information you should put in the parts of the lab report and a gauge of how long each section should be. Its a good idea to consult other lab reports, submitted by a different group that received a good grade or is well-respected. Read a sample report to know what a reviewer or grader is looking for. In a classroom setting, lab reports take a long time to grade. You dont want to keep repeating a mistake if you can avoid it from the start! Title: This should accurately describe the experiment. Dont try to be cute or funny.Date: This can be the date you did the experiment or the day you completed the report.Lab Partners: Who helped you with the experiment? List their full names. If they represent other schools or institutions, credit this too.Purpose: Sometimes this is called the objective. It is either a single sentence summary of why the experiment or product was performed or else a single paragraph.Introduction: Describe why the topic is of interest. The introduction is other one paragraph or a single page. Usually the last sentence is a statement of the hypothesis that was tested.Materials: List chemicals and special equipment used for this experiment. Ideally, you want this section to be sufficiently detailed another person could repeat the experiment.Procedure: Describe what you did. This can be a single paragraph or one or more pages.Data: List the data you obtained, before calculations. Tables and graphs are goo d. Results: If you performed calculations on the data, these are your results. An error analysis is usually here, although it may be its own section.Conclusion: State whether the hypothesis was accepted or the project was a success. Its a good idea to suggest avenues for further study.References: Cite any resources or publications you used. Did you consult a paper that somehow related to the project? Give credit. References are needed for all facts except those that are readily available to the intended audience of the report. Why Write a Lab Report? Lab reports are time-consuming for both students and graders, so why are they so important? There are two key reasons. First, a lab report is an orderly method of reporting the purpose, procedure, data, and outcome of an experiment. Essentially, it follows the scientific method. Second, lab reports are easily adapted to become papers for peer-reviewed publication. For students serious about pursuing a career in science, a lab report is a stepping-stone for submitting work for review. Even if results arent published, the report is a record of how an experiment was conducted, which can be valuable for follow-up research.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Expository Essay Writing
Expository Essay Writing Here are the main steps to follow when writing an expository essay. An expository essay is a type of paper, in which a student is supposed to set a concrete argument and then support it within the text. It is strongly recommended to plan your paper before writing it. The writer needs to find a good analytical question and create a powerful thesis statement. The main goals of an expository essay may be expressed by the following statements: An expository essay performs the analysis of a concrete concept. An expository essay is about an event, a situation or a scientific work. An expository essay explains some instructions or describes how things should be done. To get a complete answer to the question What is an expository essay?, read our article on this topic: What Is an Expository Essay? Below are some tips for expository writing from our professional writers. 6 Steps of Expository Essay Writing Expository essays need to follow a specific pattern. Here are steps a student needs to take in order to create a substantial expository essay. Step 1: Keep the main topic in sight. The topic is expected to be easy enough but try not to make it too general or too narrow. And if you have a choice of the subject, try something interesting and new. Select a topic which is exciting to read and avoid those ones that are difficult to write on. Step 2: Collect the facts, do the background research. In the first place remember to mention the facts from reliable sources like peer-reviewed journals, books, and newspapers. It is a great idea to use statistics, research findings, chronicles of previous events and historical facts – everything that will provide your reader with a broad picture of the topic you have chosen. Step 3: Define your thesis statement. Try to use this statement in the first paragraph. You may also mention your thesis statement in the last sentence of your essay. If you put it in your first paragraph, you should dwell on it in greater detail in subsequent sentences. If you decide to put the statement at the end, make sure the sentences preceding it are logically connected with one another, and gradually lead the reader to your thesis statement. Step 4: Group the facts in body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should offer one main idea. Use relevant facts and figures in each body paragraph. Avoid repeating same facts in different paragraphs. Step 5: Use transition sentences between paragraphs. You should finish one paragraph logically and then transit into the next one, making your entire text coherent and logical. If you dont do this, your essay will lose its flow and structure. Step 6: Make a conclusion.The conclusion of the essay sums up the essay and reiterates its main thoughts. Try not to repeat what you mentioned in your introduction to avoid redundancy in your text. Now when you are familiar with the main steps of expository writing, lets choose the topic for an expository essay: 50 Most Popular Expository Essay Topics Knowing the main rules and principles of expository essay writing you will be able to create excellent expository essays. If you have questions or still need additional clarification, contact us, please. If you need your expository essay to be written and well-structured, place an order.Â
Monday, February 17, 2020
Spread Sheet Modelling Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Spread Sheet Modelling - Article Example Layout plan 1. The user can either click â€Å"Run Random 10 Day Simulation†to generate outputs over 10 days using random values for all inputs OR 2. Enter a temperature for the next day OR click the â€Å"Randomly Generate Temperature†button to generate one. 3. The user then enters their intended: a) Price per cup b) Initial Investment 4. The user also needs to either enter their: a) Amount of Vodka per Jug b) Number of Ice Cubes per Cup OR click the buttons to optimize these variables to maximize demand. 5. Then clicking the â€Å"Calculate Demand†button will automatically take them to sheet 2, calculate the predicted demand and the required quantities of stock to satisfy this demand. 6. The user must enter their intended stock purchases subject to data validation to avoid them trying to purchases items in quantities that are unavailable or that cost more than there is funds available for. Alternatively they can also click the button labeled â€Å"Optimize Purchases†to have the best possible combination of purchases displayed for them. 7. The user can then click the button â€Å"Run Simulation†, this will take them to sheet 3, where the outputs for that day will be displayed. 8. Clicking â€Å"Next day†will then save all the inputs and outputs in sheets 5-7, reset all the values on sheets 1-3 and return them to the front sheet to repeat the process. 9. When the user has cycled through the process 10 times they will automatically be taken to sheet 4 where the cumulative totals are displayed. They can also access this at any earlier point by clicking â€Å"Display Cumulative Totals†. ... 6. The user must enter their intended stock purchases subject to data validation to avoid them trying to purchases items in quantities that are unavailable or that cost more than there is funds available for. Alternatively they can also click the button labeled "Optimize Purchases" to have the best possible combination of purchases displayed for them. 7. The user can then click the button "Run Simulation", this will take them to sheet 3, where the outputs for that day will be displayed. 8. Clicking "Next day" will then save all the inputs and outputs in sheets 5-7, reset all the values on sheets 1-3 and return them to the front sheet to repeat the process. 9. When the user has cycled through the process 10 times they will automatically be taken to sheet 4 where the cumulative totals are displayed. They can also access this at any earlier point by clicking "Display Cumulative Totals". 10. When on sheet 4 the user can click "Reset Model" which will delete all saved data and return them to the front sheet. 2.3. Assumptions - Drinks are sold by the cup only. No requests, doubles/shots etc. will be considered. - The price per cup cannot be set lower than 20p. - Price and temperature are constant over the day. - Demand is the number of people who will definitely purchase a cup. - The user cannot overdraw from their available funds. - There are no storage costs for stock that is carried over to the next day. - Only vodka and lemonade are mixed in jugs and then poured into cups with constant amounts of ice in them. 2.4. Strengths - Simple layout - The user works on the model in a structured manner starting from sheet1. Read and Batson (1999) state that "Using multiple sheets ' creates a model that is much easier to navigate."
Monday, February 3, 2020
Sustainability within National Parks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Sustainability within National Parks - Essay Example MICE is commonly organised through meetings, exhibitions, conferences, corporate travels and incentive travels among others as a mechanism to generate awareness among the global communities regarding a particular issue. The special events are organised to attract visitors from global contexts, assisting in generating revenue as well, with the intention to support any developmental need towards sustainable development. It is in this context that these special events are identified to be attached with various environmental issues such as polluting air, water and land immensely. Nevertheless, organising MICE has also been criticised on the ground that holding these special events causes excessive use of non-renewable energy, increased transportation and abundant use of other natural resources such as water among others. According to Zamzuri & et. al. (2011), special events have adversely affected the environment due to increased wastes, inappropriate way of waste management, increased t ransportation and unnecessary materials purchasing among others (Pizam, 2012; Zamzuri & et. al., 2011). However, with a much positive perspective, according to Pao (2004), special events, which include conference and corporate meeting among others are organised in various locations with the intention of generating revenue for economic development. These events are identified to develop the tourism sectors; but on the other hand, they are identified as important sources affecting the ecological environment of a country at large causing pollution, traffic congestion and waste among others, within a short span of time as compared to other sources of similar environmental degradation (Anand, 2013; Wood & Brotherton, 2008). These environmental issues, identified from events organised under MICE, are also classified as those factors accountable for increasing social costs and thereby, affecting the environmental equilibrium (Pao, 2004). Green Business Tourism The tourism industry has aime d at developing an effective and eco-friendly environment with the aim of attracting visitors and making a country an attractive location for organising special events (Lau, 2009). According to Lau (2009), there are three main players that are associated with MICE, which include clients, suppliers and other players like government and sponsors among others. The organisers of MICE thus need to held meetings and exhibitions and other intended functions in an appropriate manner with the aim of ensuring that events are executed with better considerations towards the environmental sustainability responsibilities and societal stability. The organiser should also develop and initiate policies as well as measures on the basis of which, meetings and exhibitions should be conducted. Moreover, the organisers should seek that the site where the MICE events are to be organised,
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